

Industry leader in closed captioning and subtitling services. 



Subtitling is truly a form of art. Between the translation and the aesthetics of the subtitles themselves, subtitling requires a thorough understanding of the source and target languages, as well as professional subtitling software.

Cinepros strictly employees highly qualified and experienced translators. Many are ATA certified and/or hold a degree in audio/visual translation.

Subtitling is much more time consuming than closed captioning. Translation can take an enormous amount of time, depending on the content. Aesthetically, the appearance of subtitles should coincide with edits. Generally, good subtitling takes about four times as long as closed captioning.

The best subtitles are the ones you don’t realize are there. The ultimate goal of good subtitling is to offer the non-native speaker an equal viewing experience as the native speaker. Cinepros strives for this goal with every project we complete.


Cinepros supports subtitling in many languages. The most common languages we work with are:

We Solve Real Problems

our subtitling process...



The original video must be transcribed. This is an important first step in ensuring that all dialogue is understood and correct.



The text is formatted into subtitles and is timed with the video. During this step, pertinent on-screen text is also added for translation.



The text is analyzed for potentially challenging terms and phrases. Decisions must be made regarding the translation of names, proper nouns, etc. in order to ensure consistency across the translation.



The initial translation is completed by a highly-skilled, experienced translator. Some attributes that must be considered are characters per subtitle, which words do not get translated, and translation of idioms.



The translated subtitles are proofread by a qualified proofreader. This step ensures not only accuracy of the subtitles, but that they are also natural sounding.



The proofread subtitles are cleaned up. This means that certain adjustments must be made to the breakdown, timing, and placement of the subtitles based on the translation.

Get a quote

Every project is unique. We want to make sure we fully understand your project before we offer you the industry’s most competitive pricing.

In order to ensure we quote you accurately, make sure to include:

If you’d prefer, you can always e-mail us directly at